1. Over 36 years of pioneering human development programs globallyErickson Coaching was founded in 1980 and initially specialized in NLP, counseling, and other fundamental human development programs. During that time, the founder Marilyn Atkinson, Ph.D. was already anticipating a fundamental shift in the model from past-centered dissatisfaction to orienting clients towards their desired future


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Coaching runs through the whole experience and embraces structure, evaluation, involvement (Cooper 1992; Price et al. 1994 educational impact, acceptability and cost. Baldor RA, Brooks WB, Erickson Warfield M, O'Shea K. 2001.

Read more. Life Coaching. This unique and highly comprehensive coach training program was designed by the Master Trainer and Founder of Erickson Coaching International – Marilyn Atkinson. By training at Erickson, you acquire skills for becoming an expert coach and a proficient coaching business owner that you can apply immediately with your clients and yourself.

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Parent training interventions for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children The clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and acceptability of Iacono T, Trembath D, Erickson S. The role of augmentative and 

In case you as well want to develop coaching skills that you could use in communication with teams and individuals on a daily basis, by working on various topics, regardless of any characteristic of yours or your client’s (working experience, gender, education…) we invite you to take part in the only accredited training program featuring coaching in Serbia. 1. Over 36 years of pioneering human development programs globallyErickson Coaching was founded in 1980 and initially specialized in NLP, counseling, and other fundamental human development programs.